Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What not to say to women #1:

Several months ago, I commented to a friend that I had not been on the dating scene since before Y2k, having been married for the past six years.

Things are a lot different now, what with technology like social networking sites, text messaging, etc.  Not to mention, the dating scene is a lot different when you are in your late 20's compared to college when you meet a lot of people on a regular basis as a result of being in school.

At any rate, I've been doing a lot of socializing (read: drinking) lately.  I'm taking this week off before I jump into school stuff.  As I mentioned awhile back, it's rather painful to see/hear some of the things guys do/say to girls when trying to pick them up.  How do people get to their 20's and 30's without having any game?  It's not that hard.  I think most women tend to be pretty forgiving if you fuck up a line or two, even thinking it's cute.  But there are some things that are hard to recover from.

Case in point, from last night:

"Nice to meet you.  My name is Remy Martin."

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