Monday, May 26, 2008

Roadtrips, family, etc.

I've mentioned that I'm thinking about road tripping out to the west coast this summer to see some friends out there and on the way.  Road trips have always been a big part of my life, especially in the summers. 


At any rate, it's pretty obvious I like to drive.  It clears my head.  And I could use some head clearing.

So I've been thinking about what route I would take, how many days I can realistically be on the road, etc, etc. and was reminded of my uncle's website detailing his year-long roadtrip all around the US, New Zealand, and Australia (if you ever get bored, definitely check his website out...lots of interesting stories).  Can you tell road tripping and wanderlust runs in my family?

And while checking out his website, I came across this memorial to my paternal grandpa (scroll down to where it says "Donald
J. Leu  (1923 - 2002)
" and read on).  Figured I'd link to it in honor of Memorial Day (no, my grandpa didn't die in combat, but he was a veteran, and he's now dead). This is my grandpa who instilled a love of cards in me, as there was not much else to do on his boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean besides read, play cards, and stare at the sea.

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