Thursday, May 15, 2008

Excuse me while I kiss this guy...

My family likes to play games.  Board games, card games, doesn't matter what type.  We are a rather competitive bunch.

My mom, my sister, and I always play Scene It when we are all together, since we are all movie-philes (I think Dad would rather shoot himself in the eye).  Last year when we were in the middle of a hotly contested match I had to read someone a question from the cards.

"In this biopic featuring..."

I couldn't get the word "featuring" out before my Mom and my sister were hysterically laughing.

"What!???"  I demanded.

They were so out of breath they couldn't answer.

Apparantly, I had made it through 28 years of my life thinking biopic was pronounced to rhyme with myopic or bionic.  Buy-AWE-pic.  Actually, and this probably makes a lot more sense, it's Buyoh-pic.  Like what it is short for: biographical picture.  However, if you google this word, you can see that I am not alone in my mispronunciation.

So what are some words that you mispronounce or have misheard?  (Yes, Keenan, I know that you mispronounce "regularly."  Refer to 15 min conversation on the way home from AC).  And no, I never thought Jimi was talking about kissing some guy.

1 comment:

  1. not that we need to continue this, but it comes from biography and we say "buy-ography" as opposed to "bio-graphy" so i think it should be buy-opic. ;)
