Saturday, April 26, 2008

Emotional hangover

This post should probably have a warning on it.  To quote Fergie: "It's personal." 

Emotional hangover: When your emotions are fluctuating more than the stack of a degenerate getting his/her gambool on, you frequently end up with a pounding headache and the general feeling that you have been hit by a truck.

What do you do when 5 months after you have the divorce conversation and 3 months after he moves out, you realize that your ex is still your best friend?  The one person in the world who knows you the best?  Even better than your parents know you?  Even better than you probably know yourself (because after all everyone is in denial to a certain extent about their own strengths and weaknesses)?  That you both still care about each others' well being (even if love isn't there anymore)?  I guess it's hard to ignore 9 years of history, including 7 years of cohabitation. 

Newly single, you realize all the ways that being in a relationship, especially a long-term one, makes you dependent.  You forget how to cope with a lot of stuff that you used to be able to deal with easily because you are used to having someone else there.

Jeff and I had our first real conversation since November tonight when
I got home over IM.  It was long and not particularly fun (that sounds bad, but I guess I mean it was somewhat painful to get a life pep talk from my ex), but
hopefully at some point we will be able to be in the same room without one of us getting all off-kilter.  Cause even though I don't regret the decision, it's tough not being able to share my thoughts and feelings with someone who understands me better than I understand myself.

In the meantime, I hope tomorrow I don't feel like I got hit by a truck.

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