Thursday, December 25, 2008

Xmas wrap up

I'm currently headed down 95S with my sister, who was nice enough to drive me to my parents' house. I don't like taking the train for Christmas because you have to handle your own luggage and I always have a bunch of unwieldy stuff on my way back.

I got a lot of books off my wishlist this year; I'll be posting reviews soon.

I also got a lot of giftcards to various places like the Greene turtle, olive garden, iTunes, and starbucks, so I guess I will be eating well.

I also got a pair of awesome slipper socks which are excellent because I hate wearing shoes in the house and my feet are always cold. I'm actually wearing them right now in the car.

Santa also somehow knew I've redeveloped my affinity for bonne bel cheeses (which I used to LOVE as a snack when I was in elementary school).

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