Friday, February 3, 2006

February Blahs

How can I have the February blahs when it is only Feb 3rd?   And when our winter has hardly been a winter???

I am having problems with my diet.  I'm not gaining, but I'm not really losing much either (only .04 pounds last week).  I know this is because I haven't been sticking to plan as well as I should.  And I'm having problems because I tend to be an emotional eater.

I was thinking about why I've been feeling this way recently and I think it's because I'm waiting on college acceptances.  I am continuously confronted by the fact that in months we may be moving.  I am excited about the potential move, but at the same time I feel like my whole life is on hold until I get some closure.  Someone I once knew said that I needed closure worse than anyone he had ever met before and I guess he was right.  It is hard for me to be motivated when I don't have a future concrete goal.  I also feel like I have less motivation to be a star at work and I'm sure that is showing, which makes me, in my need to go out of my way to please people, feel even worse.  BLAH!

I need to kick this 'tude so I can 1) study and pass my comps and 2) lose the 40 pounds I have left to lose!!!

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