Thursday, November 17, 2005

Spanish Riding School Comes to DC

Since I was about 8 I have wanted to see the Spanish Riding School Lipizzaner stallions.  However, they rarely travel to the US, so I had pretty much decided at some point in my life, I would have to go to Vienna to see them.

That's right Vienna, Austria.  So why is it called the Spanish Riding School if it is in Vienna?  Because the horses they ride, Lipizzaners, are a breed from Spain.  As a matter of fact, when the SRS was founded in 1572 (making it the world's oldest riding school), the actual horses they rode were Spanish born. 

The SRS practices the riding style known as dressage, which is the type of riding I did for about 10 years.  I often describe dressage to people as horse ballet.  It might not be as exciting (for some people) to watch as jumping or cross country, but dressage is truly an art.  It looks easy, but it takes years and years of dedicated practice to truly excel.  Ideally, dressage is the horse and rider in complete harmony, with the horse performing many intricate movements at the rider's invisible command.  Watching a master of dressage (both horse and rider) is amazing, if you appreciate how difficult it really is.

At any rate, the Spanish Riding School is coming to DC this Saturday and guess who has tickets!  I'm so excited, and I think even Jeff is excited too.  ;)  though I would still like to go to Vienna (they actually ride in a palace and their arena has crystal chandeliers, gold leaf, and french doors - not quite comparable to the MCI Center), I can finally say I have seen *the* Spanish Riding School.

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