Saturday, June 12, 2010

Yes, I Have a Strangely Awesome Family

I credit my parents for my love of learning.  I have always been inquisitive (others might say downright nosy).  I was that nerdy kid that actually read through the dictionary, and several volumes of Encyclopedia Britannica.  After accomplishing those lofty goals, I saw fit to read the entirety of the 92.x section (biographies) in our local library.  And after that, I tended to get rather obssess-y about different periods in history, reading everything I could about it, and then moving on to another time period.  Somewhere in there, I also managed to read both Old and New Testament of the Bible.  Strange considering my family is, at best, agnostic.  Good thing I am a quick reader.

In elementary and middle school, probably in an attempt to keep me and my already rather ADD-self from getting bored, my Dad started giving us challenges.  He'd ask us a question and we had to come up with the answer before dinner the next day.  They were generally mini-research projects.  I thought this was awesome.  (See, I told you I was a very abnormal child).  (FTR, this is also probably why I am so good at trivia).

My immediate family only gets together 2-3 times/year if we are lucky these days.  My sister has a work schedule that keeps her fairly busy on most holidays and my dad travels a lot for work.  Generally the four of us only get together for a day at Thanksgiving and a few days at Christmas.  This year, we all managed to coordinate a week on my parents' boat as well.  The last time my sister and I were on a boat together with my parents was 2004?  2002?  Awhile ago, at any rate.

So, in order to make the most of our time together, my dad sent out an email today suggesting that we do theme nights.  He suggested a few ideas, mostly relating to old family traditions, and asked for other ideas.  My sister suggested a quiz night about stuff related to the boat.  Hmmmmmm... I might need to study up.  Sounds like another research project to me.  ;)

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