Friday, March 6, 2009

Yes, FINALLY, a poker related post again!

I haven't been posting about poker recently for a couple reasons.  Not because I don't have anything to say or because I haven't been playing, though I did take a hiatus from many of the local games for awhile. I have been playing up in AC with 4 trips there already since Jan 1 (all of which at least covered expenses, most of which made me some money on top of that).  Happily, after getting my head on straight at most local games, I have booked wins at the last several no limit local games I have played, as well.  I actually have gotten quite a few good idea for posts recently but
have chosen not to either due to lack of time, or for other reasons. 

But I digress.

I've been trying to take poker more seriously (with varying degrees of success) for the past year+.  Part of this means tracking sessions.  I've been doing this for the past year+ also (again with varying degrees of success).  When I got my iphone, I was really excited and had dreams of all the things I'd easily be able to record since I would have my phone with me at the table, instead of having to record things in my spreadsheet at the end of a session.  Sadly, the functionality of google docs in iphone land is the one google/iphone app that just SUCKS.

Then I stumbled upon this post from Otis.  $12.99 is a lot for an app, but this app literally does almost everything I would include if I was designing this app myself.  It is awesome.  When playing, it will record time live if you hit an on/off switch, or you can retroactively import stuff.  And it is customizable.  It also shows you charts of your play which you can filter by game, limit, etc.

Anyways, to anyone with an iphone who is interested in tracking their play, I recommend this app!


  1. Cool. I am going to have to try this!

  2. Is there some iphone app that will wipe your memory of a particularly bad night of poker? :)
