Friday, August 15, 2008

Good news/Bad news

Bad news:
My car is totaled.  And I still owe money on the loan.  And it was my baby.  I admit it; I cried when the insurance company told me it was a loss.

Good news:
Even after paying off the loan, I will have just over $10k with which to buy a new car.  Hooray cars that maintain good value.

Bad news:

My car was due to be paid off in 12 months and I was looking forward to having the additional $550/month once it was paid off.  That's like 50% of my monthly income.

Good News:
Sometimes being lazy pays off.  I meant to put my new parking decal on my car last week, but didn't.  Good thing cause that would be a pain to take care of.

Bad news:
I have to go through the process of buying a car.  Which I don't have time for this week since I have my comp on Wednesday.  And I have to actually decide what kind of car to get. 

Should I go used and just buy something with the $10k outright?  Should I buy new and suck up another loan?  Should I buy a Honda Civic or some other cheap, practical car...or should I buy the 2006 carbon copy version of my car (well, almost - it's not a turbo  :-( )that I saw on the dealer's lot when it got towed in...  Comments/advice are welcomed.


  1. After i put 10K down on my civic (brand new in 2005), my car payment ended up being only $120/month. So if you really want a new car, i definitely recommend looking into the Civic. I haven't had any problems with mine, and it's small and fun to drive (imo), but when it comes to cars i have more of the practical gene than i do dad's gene. :-)

  2. yeah - sarah's gadget buying is like dad's, but her car buying is like mine!

  3. Hmmm. I sense I may be getting the bad end of both sides: I get too many gadgets and I go for flair, not practicality. Well.....? Maybe a little truth!
