Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Foxwoods musings

Spent about four hours at Foxwoods tonight.� I haven't been up there in about 8 months; some things are different and some things are the same.


  1. New tables and chips as a result of the new partnership with MGM.� (FTR I finally got around to asking someone how big the poker room is.� They have 140 tables).� I hate the new chips.� They are ugly and feel cheap.� Their old chips were way nicer.� New tables are fine. They have the player's card system that they have at the Beau Rivage and MGM in Vegas, but they are not using it...yet.�

  2. Lots of new dealers and floor people.� Only recognized a few.

  3. They changed the brand of coffee they use.� It's bad.

  4. Same fishtastic play, thank goodness (call everything til the river, then fold; alternatively try to float you when you have the nuts).� Midweek the proportion of fish is less, but still plentiful.

  5. Same action (good and plenty).� Considering I was there late on a weeknight, the pits and the poker room were relatively crowded.� Just when action slows down, the morning tournament crowd comes in. (And speaking of which, how are there so many degenerates in Connecticut???) Stud and O8 games run weaker midweek but still go.� Lots of NL to choose from, up to 10-20 tonight.

  6. New sister casino (MGM) lacks a poker room, but is really nice.

  7. Construction outside the main entrance will change the traffic patterns.� Jury's out on whether this is good or bad, but it can't get much worse than trying to get to Foxwoods on the 2 lane country road during a holiday or summer weekend, so I have to think it will be an improvement.

  8. I play so much better at casinos (and it's not just that players are weaker - I am definitely more focused when at casinos).� I have to work on fixing this immediately.� I'm more aggressive, tighter, and make better reads/follow throughs.� It's not a wonder my losing sessions at the 'woods are few and far between.

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