Thursday, February 19, 2009

Attn: GVPT quantitative methods people

If you need a quant class to meet your 12 credits and you can't find anything past Maximum Likelihood Estimation in GVPT, let me highly, HIGHLY recommend EDMS 771 (especially if it is taught by Dr. Andre Rupp).  It is especially useful if you are a behaviorist. 

I'm taking this class this semester and it has me excited about stats again.  No tests, but we have homework sets every other week and short statistical critique essays on alternate weeks (which are actually fun to write - yes I know I'm a nerd).  Just like most GVPT classes (and MLE), we have a final research paper using a method we learned as well.  The class is taught in a very straightforward manner with powerpoints that are sent ahead every week and forced (but non-graded) practice work in class.  We have lab work in SPSS but he doesn't care if you use STATA or R.

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